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How to Clean Plants for Terrarium

Preparing and cleaning plants for a terrarium gives them the best chance for survival. Making sure the roots, stems and foliage are healthy helps keep the contained garden attractive. Plants suitable for a terrarium are those that thrive in humid conditions. Short, dense or dwarf plants work well. Asparagus ferns, African violets, begonia, the prayer plant and the Chinese evergreen are just a few plants the grow well in terrariums.


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      Mist the foliage of the terrarium plant with a spray bottle filled with lukewarm water. This removes dust, dirt and any insects that may remain on the plant from the store or nursery.

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      Inspect the plants carefully for any insects, such as caterpillars. This prevents you from placing the insects inside the terrarium, thus causing damage to other plants. Pick off any insects you see. Treat the plants with an appropriate insecticide if you are unsure if the infestation is gone.

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      Pinch off any diseased or damaged foliage on the plants. This ensures that it looks aesthetically appealing once it is inside the terrarium.

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      Place the plant inside a clear plastic bag if you are doubtful it is disease-free. Set the plastic bag and plant in a brightly lit area for 10 to 14 days. If the plant has a disease, it will become apparent on the stem and leaves.

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      Remove the healthy plant from its pot. Gently remove any excess dirt around the roots. Do this by gently shaking it or brushing the dirt away with your fingertips. Repeat this with all the plants.

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      Cut off any pot bound roots by pinching them off with your fingers or using garden shears. Add the plants to the terrarium.