Home Garden

Moss Plants for a Terrarium

Mosses are nonvascular plants that grow low to the ground. They form clumps as they grow and absorb nutrients and water from their environment. Moss is an ideal plant for the home terrarium. It is eye-catching and low-maintenance. Any type of moss is a lush addition to the container.
  1. Functions

    • Because terrariums are self-sustaining, they need a way to process moisture. Moss allows moisture to filter through the container and is one of the prime ingredients in an low-maintenance terrarium. A layer of moss also prevents soil from seeping into the layer of gravel that aids drainage. Moss is also a suitable choice as a featured plant in your container. Moss is a ground cover that adds color, texture and interest to the other plants in the terrarium.

    Placing Moss

    • For water to drain properly, place a layer of rocks or gravel in the bottom of your container and then a layer of horticultural charcoal, available at most home improvement stores. Add a layer of moss between the charcoal on the bottom and a layer of soil. This moss layer will process water to the drainage layer, which is necessary because terrarium containers do not have drainage holes in the bottom. It also holds the soil in place, preventing it from bleeding into the gravel. Once the base layers are in place, you can place moss on top of the soil to add color and interest to your terrarium. Your other plants will pop against a mossy carpet.

    Care and Maintenance

    • The mosses in your terrarium are simple to care for. Once you have assembled your terrarium, spray the plants and soil well with water until it starts to seep through the moss layer at the bottom. Place the lid on your container. The appeal of the home terrarium is its ease of maintenance. Your terrarium should not require any additional care for months unless you notice water standing in the bottom of the container. In this case, remove the lid and place the container in a sunny spot until the excess water evaporates.

    Types of Moss

    • Choose two types of moss for your terrarium. Choose Sphagnum moss or Hypnum moss for the drainage layer. These are not particularly interesting mosses, but they serve the purpose of processing water through your terrarium. Choose any other moss as a featured plant. Any moss you find in your yard or growing on a rock or tree will thrive in your terrarium. Irish moss grows tiny, star-shaped, white flowers, and Scottish moss adds a lively yellow-green color to the container.