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How to Care for Potted Succulents

Potted succulents thrive with little care and provide visual interest year-round, making them a suitable choice for people with limited time to devote to gardening. The proper care of potted succulents begins at planting, since the single most important factor in successful succulent cultivation is choosing the right soil, which must be well-draining and poor in nutrients. Most potted succulents will provide many years of enjoyment with minimal attention once established, but they look and grow best if provided with light watering, occasional pruning and regular feeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Succulent formula potting soil
  • Measuring cup
  • Pruning shears or utility knife
  • 5-10-5 formula fertilizer
  • Cotton ball
  • Rubbing alcohol
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      Use succulent or cactus formula soil to grow potted succulents, since it provides adequate drainage and is low in nutrients. Pot the succulents in a broad, shallow container with at least two drainage holes, since deep containers with single drainage holes greatly increase the likelihood of rot.

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      Position potted succulents where they will receive approximately six hours of bright, direct sunlight each day. Provide a bit of light shade during the hottest part of the day in the summer months, since many potted succulents will scorch when exposed to excessively strong sunlight and high temperatures.

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      Water potted succulents only when the top inch of soil is completely dry. Pour 1/2 cup of water into the pot for each 5 inches in diameter. For example, a succulent in a 10-inch-diameter pot needs 1 cup of water to provide adequate moisture. Avoid overwatering succulents, since they will rot.

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      Prune off and discard shriveled leaves from pot-grown succulents as they appear. Cut the leaf off as close to the base as possible using pruning shears. Prune with a utility knife when working with species such as warty aloe (Gasteria verrucosa), since the leaves grow very close together and are difficult to cut using hinged pruning shears.

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      Feed potted succulents once a month from May until late August using 5-10-5 formula fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer to 1/4 strength, but follow the label instructions when applying the mixture to avoid harming the succulent's roots. Water the succulent after feeding it to distribute the fertilizer throughout the soil.

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      Treat mealy bug infestations by wiping the leaves of the succulent with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol twice a week for four weeks. Do this only if evidence of an infestation is present such as soft spots on the leaves or clots of cotton-like material in the crevices of the plant.