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How to Grow Vegetables With PVC Piping

Growing your own vegetables is a challenge if you don't have land available for planting. As an alternative, you can use a PVC pipe to grow your vegetables, providing them with the soil and water that they need to thrive. You can also set up multiple rows of PVC planters to increase your garden's yield. This planter will hold a variety of vegetables and can be built using materials from your local hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • 12-inch PVC pipe
  • Hacksaw
  • Sandpaper
  • 12-inch PVC end caps
  • PVC glue
  • Paper towel
  • Drill
  • Rotary tool
  • Bricks or other heavy objects
  • Soil
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    • 1

      Cut a piece of 12-inch PVC pipe with a hacksaw. It should be as long as you want your planter to be.

    • 2

      Sand both ends of the pipe with 120-grit sandpaper.

    • 3

      Apply PVC glue in the inner walls of two 12-inch PVC end caps.

    • 4

      Fit the sanded ends of the pipe into the end caps, wiping off any excess glue with a paper towel.

    • 5

      Allow the glue to dry for the time recommended on the container.

    • 6

      Cut 8-inch notches in the pipe, with 6 inches of space between them. To do this, make two vertical cuts a third of the way into the pipe with a hacksaw; then, use a rotary tool with a cutting blade to make two horizontal cuts and remove that section. Repeat this for each notch.

    • 7

      Drill a row of 1/4-inch holes in the other side of the pipe, spaced every 6 inches. These holes will provide drainage.

    • 8

      Place the planter in a sunny location, using bricks or other heavy objects to keep the planter from rolling.

    • 9

      Fill the planter with potting soil.

    • 10

      Plant the seeds or cuttings for one vegetable plant in each notch. Water and fertilize as needed.