Home Garden

How to Build a Grow Box With PVC Pipe

Grow boxes are small containers that need little maintenance and can be used even on small apartment balconies. They are designed so they rarely need watering and produce grows in them quickly. A PVC pipe allows you to fill the bottom of the grow box with water so the vegetables have a continuous supply of water without the need to keep their roots constantly wet. You can grow many types of fruit and vegetables in grow boxes, such as corn or squash, if you choose the dwarf variety.

Things You'll Need

  • 32-gallon plastic storage container with lid
  • 8 nursery pots, 1 gallon each
  • Drill
  • Jigsaw
  • Marker
  • 2-foot section of 2-inch PVC pipe
  • Duct tape
  • Wire
  • All-purpose garden soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Black garbage bag
  • Clothespins (optional)
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    • 1

      Open the plastic storage container that you will convert into a grow box. Set the lid aside. You can use any shape of container as long as it holds at least 32 gallons.

    • 2

      Place the eight pots on the bottom of the box so they are upright and fill the bottom of the box.

    • 3

      Cut the plastic container's lid with a jigsaw so that it is small enough to slide inside the box and sit on top of the pots. Cut about 1 1/2 to 2 inches off the edges. Keep the original shape of the lid. Try to cut the lid down to size without opening the rim; you can use it later.

    • 4

      Drill holes every two inches on the lid using a 1/4-inch drill bit.

    • 5

      Add six holes to one end of the PVC pipe. Keep the holes within 6 inches of the bottom edge. The end with the holes is the bottom of the pipe and will fit into the grow box later.

    • 6

      Lay the lid on the pots inside the container and draw circles in two corners that are roughly the size of the pot tops. Cut out the circles with a jigsaw.

    • 7

      Cut another hole along one long side that is roughly in the middle. Use the end of the PVC pipe to gauge the size of the hole so that the pipe will fit into the hole later.

    • 8

      Drill two drain holes on each side of the container. Position each drain hole 6 inches from the ground or lower.

    • 9

      Drill a hole on each side of the container so they are positioned across the width. Run a piece of sturdy wire through each hole and secure it so it is tight across the middle. This wire supports the box when it is full.

    • 10

      Insert the PVC pipe into its hole while the lid is in the box.

    • 11

      Tape around the edges of the lid with duct tape for a tight fit.

    • 12

      Move the container to its ideal location. When it is full it will be too heavy to move.

    • 13

      Pour soil into the two holes in the lid so that the pots underneath are full.

    • 14

      Fill the container with soil

    • 15

      Moisten the soil with water until it is damp but not saturated.

    • 16

      Pour two cups of dry, balanced fertilizer in a line down the center of the container. Cover the fertilizer with soil.

    • 17

      Cover the soil with a heavy, black garbage bag and secure it by locking the lid rim into position or using clothespins.

    • 18

      Cut holes in the plastic to insert seedlings. Water the containers through the PVC pipe opening until water pours out the drain holes.