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How to Grow Strawberries in Hanging Pots With PVC

Strawberries can be planted in a hanging strawberry planter in spring, once there is no longer a risk of frost. Container strawberries grow year-round in areas with a low frost risk. However, the soil in strawberry planters dries quickly during the hot summer months, especially when the container hangs in an area sheltered from rainfall. Placing a PVC pipe with holes in the center of the pot helps direct the water applications to guarantee the soil is evenly saturated.

Things You'll Need

  • 12-inch-diameter container
  • Mesh gardening fabric
  • 3/4-inch PVC pipe
  • Drill with bits
  • Sand
  • Well-draining potting soil
  • High-potassium fertilizer
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    • 1

      Select a 12-inch-diameter hanging planter with bottom drainage holes, and cut a piece of mesh gardening fabric to fit the bottom.

    • 2

      Cut a section of 3/4-inch-diameter PVC pipe 1 inch longer than the depth of the planter. Drill 1/8-inch-diameter holes evenly throughout the pipe, spacing them 1 inch apart.

    • 3

      Place the pipe vertically in the center of the planter, and fill around it with a well-draining potting soil to 1 inch from the top. Pour sand into the pipe until it is half-full.

    • 4

      Plant three to four strawberry seedlings evenly around the PVC pipe. Set the plants so the crown is just above the soil level.

    • 5

      Pour water into the pipe to saturate the soil and water the seedlings. Stop applying water once it begins to flow out the bottom drainage holes. Provide water through the PVC pipe to keep the soil evenly moist during the hot summer months.

    • 6

      Apply a high-potassium fertilizer to the soil every two weeks after flower blossoms appear. Avoid applying fertilizer directly onto the plants to prevent chemical burn.