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How to Make Bamboo Stalks Grow Faster

Renowned for its ability to grow fast, bamboo is often grown indoors and outdoors, both in residential and commercial landscapes. However, the growth rate varies among species. For instance, clumping bamboos, such as Thamnocalamus and Fargesia, do not grow as aggressively as running bamboo varieties. The best way to make your bamboo shoots grow faster is to ensure their optimum growing conditions are met, so the plants are healthy and vigorous. Attention to specifics, including irrigation, sunlight exposure and fertilization assist healthy growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis or garden umbrella (optional)
  • Soaker hose
  • High-nitrogen fertilizer
  • Organic mulch
  • Pruning shears
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    • 1

      Plant the bamboo in well-draining, sandy loam soil. Dig the planting hole as deep as the root mass but twice as wide. Plant the bamboo at the same level as its nursery container. Ensure the planting site provides protection from high winds.

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      Provide your bamboo plant the right amount of sunlight it requires, depending on its variety. While too much sunlight dries up the foliage and stunts plant growth, insufficient sunlight burns the foliage and causes the leaves to shrivel up. Ensure your bamboo is exposed to partial shade but still receives four to six hours of sunlight every day. Install a shade structure such as a trellis with a climbing vine or a garden umbrella around the outdoor bamboo planted in direct sunlight.

    • 3

      Irrigate the bamboo frequently so the soil remains evenly moist at all times. Ideally, water the bamboo two to three times a week during warm weather. However, avoid overwatering the soil, as that damages the roots and foliage, thereby stunting plant growth. Use a soaker hose that provides a steady stream of water at soil level without wetting the foliage, thereby reducing chances of fungal diseases.

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      Feed the bamboo plant a high-nitrogen fertilizer according to label directions. Since bamboo is similar to grass, high-nitrogen fertilizers boost growth and assist in the development of lush green foliage.

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      Spread a 3-inch-thick layer of mulch around the base of the bamboo to help conserve soil moisture and keep the roots cool. Mulching also reduces weeds that slow plant health and vigor as they compete for soil moisture and nutrients.

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      Prune the bamboo plant every year to maintain its size and appearance, and invigorate growth. Use sharp, sterilized pruning shears to clip off damaged or dry stalks to the ground. Also remove old or damaged foliage from the plant to direct the flow of nutrients to healthier parts.