Home Garden

How to Set Tomato Blossoms

Growing tomatoes at home in the garden or greenhouse can be relatively easy with all of the available starter kits and growing bags. Sometimes, however, the plants have trouble producing fruit because their flowers do not set correctly. Mistakes such as the wrong fertilizer and bad plant placement can cause the plants to grow poorly and not be strong enough to produce tomatoes. A little basic knowledge and some artificial help can make the tomato blossoms set firmly and produce plentiful fruit yields.

Things You'll Need

  • Low-nitrogen fertilizer
  • Watering can
  • Blossom setting spray
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      Mix a low-nitrogen fertilizer into the planting soil of the tomato plant. When adding additional fertilizer at later points, also use a low-nitrogen mix. Excessive nitrogen in the soil can lead to weak blossoms.

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      Place the tomato plant in an area of the garden that receives at least eight to 10 hours of full sunlight per day. If the plants do not get enough sunlight, they can produce weak, spindly growth and the blossoms do not set as well.

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      Plant the tomato plant in a greenhouse if local nighttime temperatures are regularly below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Low temperatures can cause bad plant growth.

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      Water the tomato plants regularly and just enough to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Do not allow the soil to dry excessively; a stable level of moisture in the soil helps with even growth.

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      Check the plants regularly for pests, such as thrips, and treat accordingly. General plant health is important to ensure the blossoms set up correctly.

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      Spray the tomato flowers with a commercial blossom setting product once they have fully opened. This helps the flowers to firm up and strengthen despite any problems, such as bad weather. It also helps to increase yield and fruit quality.