Home Garden

How to Raise Bougainvillea

When you bring a bougainvillea plant home from the nursery, it may not look like much – but in a year you could have a stunning specimen. Bougainvillea is the tropical gardener's dream plant, accomplishing several goals at once. It not only adds brilliant color, but also quickly covers chain-link fences for both camouflage and privacy. For all this beauty and utility, bougainvillea asks little: at least five hours of direct sun a day, nightime temperatures that remain above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a spot in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 9 and higher.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-selective herbicide
  • Pitchfork
  • Sharp sand or compost
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
  • Heavy gloves
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      Rid the planting area of weeds. They not only harbor pests and disease, but also compete with the young roots of bougainvillea for moisture and nutrients in the soil. If there are too many weeds to hand pull within a 3-foot radius of the planting area, use a non-selective herbicide. Sometimes there's a waiting period to plant after the application, so read the label carefully.

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      Take a pitchfork to the soil and turn it over, pulverizing large clods. If you come across roots or rocks, remove them. Dig up a 1-foot-square, 1-foot-deep area. Replace the soil and rake it smooth.

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      Amend the soil, especially if puddles remain six hours after a heavy rain. Add 3 inches of sharp sand or chunky compost to aid drainage. Blend the amendment into the top 6 inches of the soil.

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      Plant the bougainvillea to the same depth as it is currently growing. Water to a depth of 10 inches after planting. Water whenever the top of the soil appears dry while the plant becomes established.

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      Water the bougainvillea when it wilts. The plant is drought-tolerant and too much water will kill it.

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      Fertilize the bougainvillea to get maximum blooms. Use a 10-50-10 or 6-8-10 fertilizer that contains iron. If the label says that it contains micronutrients, it most likely contains iron. Apply the fertilizer to the bougainvillea every month while it is blooming. Cut back to every other month when it's not in bloom. Water the soil to a depth of 10 inches after fertilizing.

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      Prune the bougainvillea after it finishes a flush of flowering. Cut it back 6 inches more than your ideal size. It grows so fast that it quickly will return to the size you want and may even exceed it. For the best flowering, shoots should not exceed 20 inches in length. If you want a bushy plant, use your fingers to pinch ½ inch from the tips of all new shoots in spring.