Home Garden

Pruning a Lonicera Ciliosa

Lonicera ciliosa is a species of perennial flowering and fruiting vine honeysuckle often known as Western Trumpet, Orange or Climbing Honeysuckle. The flowers of this species are distinguished by the red-orange hue and their relative lack of fragrance when compared with other species in the genus. Ciliosa in the name denotes the fine hairs that run along the vines and leaves, The vines flower most prolifically in the spring and are native to the Northwestern United States and British Columbia, where they are naturalized in the landscape.

Things You'll Need

  • Secateurs
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      Prune your Lonicera ciliosa vine each year, as needed, shortly after its bloom period ends.

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      Cut out any dead, diseased, broken or otherwise damaged tissues. Place cuts above a healthy lateral or leaf pair. Gently pull all of the vine cuttings from the plant so that they do not decay in the canopy, marring the appearance and inviting disease.

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      Control the height and spread of the vine by trimming back the newer growth at the terminal tips of the vines, as needed. Again, place cuts just beyond a healthy lateral shoot or just above a healthy leaf or bud.

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      Rejuvenate a badly overgrown, bare branched or weather damaged Lonicera by pruning the plant back to the crown, just above the soil line. This will stimulate regrowth and allow the natural shape of the plant to re-form. Clear away all cuttings to make way for new growth and water lightly but consistently to keep the roots hydrated to support regrowth.