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How to Care for the Blue Sky Vine

A blue sky vine climbs vigorously, produces abundant large green leaves and purple trumpet-shaped flowers. A frost-tender tropical, the blue sky vine grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9B through 11. Plant a blue sky vine at the base of wall, fence or other structure and let it climb up the side and trail over the top. Look for it under the scientific name Thunbergia grandiflora, or the alternate common names "Bengal clock vine" and "blue trumpet vine."


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      Plant blue sky vines at the base of a wall or trellis. This twining vine climbs by weaving itself around the structure it is climbing. Given room, the vine grows 20 to 30 feet tall.

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      Pick a spot that gets part sun or part shade. Part sun is four to six hours a day and part shade is two to four hours a day. Plant blue sky vine in loamy or sandy soil with good drainage. Space multiple plants 30 to 60 inches apart.

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      Water often to keep the soil slightly damp. This tropical plant likes consistent moisture. Feel the soil, and when the top inch is dry, saturate the area using a soaker hose.

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      Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month during the active growing season between spring and fall. Stop fertilizing in winter.

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      Prune back blue sky vine anytime of year to keep the plant from taking over.