Home Garden

How to Raise a Potato Plant in a Jar

Potatoes are root vegetables that sprout easily. Children as young as preschool age can grow them in a jar observing their rooting, leaf sprouting and need for water. They see exactly what happens to a potato when it grows underground. After the potato sprouts, plant it in a large pot or garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Potato
  • Quart glass jar
  • Toothpicks
  • Water
  • Large flower pot
  • Organic potting soil
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      Stick the potato with three to four toothpicks around the width and rest the toothpicks on the top of a quart glass jar.

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      Fill the jar with water, submerging up to an inch of the potato's bottom. Avoid overwatering the potato and maintain the water level throughout the sprouting process.

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      Place the jar in a sunny spot like a windowsill. Morning sun is best for new plants as the afternoon sun is too direct.

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      Check the potato every day and refill the water as necessary. Fuzzy roots should sprout within a few days. After a week, small leaves sprout from the potato’s top.

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      Remove the potato carefully from the jar after about two to three weeks. Plant it in a large pot filled with sandy loam organic gardening soil or directly into a garden area.