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Hot Tubs & Humidity

Soothing a sore muscle after a long run, warming up on a cold winter day, a fun place to gather with friends -- a hot tub can be inviting for many reasons. Depending on where your hot tub is placed, your enjoyment could be tempered with humidity problems.
  1. Hot Tubs

    • Whether you intend to use it for pain relief or as a place to socialize, a hot tub's method of functioning remains the same. An internal heater warms up the water while bubblers and jets agitate the water. The bubbling hot water feels good around sore muscles. The agitation also swerves to encourage water evaporation, increasing humidity levels in the air around the hot tub.


    • If a hot tub is placed outside in the open, humidity is rarely a problem; it is dispersed into the air. Indoors, humidity can be a serious issue. Not only can it make the room unpleasantly muggy, but it can also open the door to mold growth. Mold thrives in warm, damp environments and can discolor and damage walls and the ceiling. It can also release spores, causing heath reactions in people sensitive to them. Symptoms include skin and respiratory problems as well as eye irritation.


    • Ventilation is the key to controlling humidity with an indoor hot tub. Install an exhaust fan to pull moisture out of the room, and run it while the hot tub is in use and for about 20 minutes after you finish with it. If the room has windows, leave them open while using the tub. Humidity is usually easier to control in winter when the air is naturally drier. When the hot tub isn't in use, keep it covered.


    • Even if you leave windows open and run an exhaust fan, you still need to be vigilant and look for signs of mold growth. Install tile flooring and walls in the room as they are moisture resistant. Look for small patches of dark green or brown fungal growth. As soon as you spot mold, clean it away with a mixture of 1/2 cup of bleach and 1 gallon of water. Use a sponge, and when all traces of the mold are gone, dry the clean area quickly.