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Troubleshooting Codes for Hot Tubs

Display panel error codes may vary among hot tub models, but most have similar codes. The display should primarily show the temperature, and it may have smaller icons around the temperature to show if the heater, lights or jets are on. When a code appears instead of the temperature, the hot tub is usually alerting you to an error. Since the function of the error display is a self-diagnostic control system, most problems are automatically handled by the hot tub. Understanding the codes makes you aware of when the water is unsafe, what the hot tub is doing to counteract the problem or whether you need to have the tub repaired.


    • 1

      Check the display panel before getting into the hot tub and periodically while using the tub to verify it's operating properly.

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      Stay out of the water if the display shows "OH." This error indicates the water temperature is too hot. The hot tub should automatically activate the low speed pump to cool the water, but remove the cover to speed up the cooling process.

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      Watch for the display to return to normal, and listen for sounds of the heater and pump operating if the display shows "COOL," "ICE" or "COL." When the water reaches 20 degrees below the set temperature or the hot tub detects possible freezing conditions, this error appears. The pump and heater automatically start up to raise the water temperature. The "ICE" error prompts the hot tub to circulate warm water through the plumbing to prevent it from freezing.

    • 4

      Clean the filter and fill the spa to the recommended water level if the error "FLO" appears. The flow of water is affected when this error appears, often due to a clog or an inappropriate water level.

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      Contact the dealer if the "---" error or any error with a series of numbers and letters appears. When the "---" error appears, the hot tub is deactivated because a problem is detected that may harm the hot tub. Other errors, such as "Sn1" or "Sn3" indicate a sensor requires replacement. Only your dealer or a qualified repair person can provide proper assistance in restoring the hot tub back to safe operation.