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How to Seal Stained Pavers

Unlike poured concrete, concrete paving blocks, known as pavers, give patios, walkways and driveways a rustic, cobblestone-like quality. Since pavers are typically available in limited tones, homeowners sometimes treat them with concrete stain to match the exterior design elements of their house, lawn and garden. Enrich and preserve the color of stained pavers by finishing them with concrete sealant. In addition to stain color, concrete sealant also protects pavers from a variety of other potential maladies including efflorescence, moisture and dirt.

Things You'll Need

  • Penetrating silane or siloxane sealer
  • Paint tray
  • Paint roller with long handle
  • Paintbrush
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      Allow the stain to dry for at least 24 hours before sealing, unless otherwise instructed in the manufacturer's directions.

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      Pour a puddle of penetrating silane or siloxane concrete sealer into the well of a paint roller tray.

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      Wet the nap of a long-handled paint roller in the sealer. Starting in one corner, roll the sealer uniformly onto the paver surface. Re-dip the roller as needed and work gradually side to side and backward. To prevent lap marks, maintain a wet working edge and avoid letting the work dry out.

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      Use a paintbrush to reach any small nooks and crannies with the sealer.

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      Coat the pavers with a second coat of sealer. No drying time between coats is necessary.

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      Halt all heavy foot or car movement over the pavers for 48 hours.

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      Refinish the pavers with sealer every two to three years.