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How to Seal an Aggregate Driveway

Aggregate concrete is concrete made with small pieces of gravel that you can see when the concrete is laid. If you do not seal aggregate concrete driveways, the wear and tear of daily use and exposure to the elements may cause the concrete to wear down, loosening the aggregate or causing cracks. Sealer provides a protective layer to the concrete and gives the concrete a glossy finish. You can select a clear sealer or a tinted sealer.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Concrete cleaner
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Stiff bristled brush
  • 3,000 psi power washer
  • Aggregate sealer
  • Paint stirrer
  • 1 1/4 nap paint roller with long handle
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    • 1

      Measure the length and width of the driveway. Multiply the two numbers together to get the total square footage of the driveway. This will tell you how many bottles of sealer to buy because the label will tell you how many square feet each bottle will cover.

    • 2

      Mix concrete cleaner and water in a bucket according to the package directions. Scrub the surface of the concrete with the cleaner using a stiff bristled brush. Start at the top of the driveway and work to the bottom.

    • 3

      Rinse the driveway by spraying it with a 3,000 psi power washer from top to bottom. Let the driveway air dry for 24 hours.

    • 4

      Open the bucket of aggregate sealer and stir it with a paint stirrer. If you have a tinted sealer, stir it every 10 minutes during application so the color does not settle.

    • 5

      Dip a 1 1/4 nap paint roller into the sealer. Stand at the top of the driveway and apply the sealer in an even, long, vertical stroke. Dip the roller again and apply it in the same way next to the original stroke. Continue across the driveway.

    • 6

      Stand on the side of the driveway and roll the roller across the applied sealer. This removes overlap lines.

    • 7

      Continue down the driveway, applying the sealer vertically and dipping the roller into the sealer between rolls. Then stand on the side of the driveway and back roll the sealer to remove lap lines. Let the sealer dry according to the package directions.