Home Garden

The Best Way to Fix a Yard With a Low Water Table

Yards with low water tables face a constant battle with flooding. While some homeowners can live with the occasional puddle after a rainstorm, others face stinky, stagnant water sitting in pools for days during the wet season. Apart from being an eyesore, this can also attract mosquitoes. Solve your water-table problem without renovating your entire yard by installing a drainage system. Digging your own drainage system is back-breaking work; if you are not used to physical strain, consider hiring a professional.

Things You'll Need

  • Stakes
  • String
  • String level
  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Gravel
  • Dry well
  • Hammer
  • Drain tube
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      Stake out the path you want the water to go, tying strings to each stake to see the natural curvature of the yard.

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      Evaluate the curvature for each area with a string level. Make notes for when you dig your trench, as you want the drain tube to travel downward at all times.

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      Dig your trench. This is going to be hard work, as most low-water tables have clay soil. Expect to dig for two to three days depending on the size of your yard. Your trench should be at least 2-feet deep to accommodate the drain tube. Place the dirt into a wheelbarrow while you dig. Unless you are planning on building some elevated planters, you may need to rent a dump truck to haul away the dirt. Keep a small amount of dirt for backfilling the trench.

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      Fill the bottom 2 inches of your trench with gravel. The gravel will aid in seating the drain tube and ensure efficient drainage into the soil.

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      Punch holes into the bottom of your dry well with a hammer. Place holes wherever you want the water to drain. Do not punch holes if you want the water to bypass the area.

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      Lay your drain-tube pieces, adding gravel where necessary to keep the tube traveling downward at all times.

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      Backfill your trench. The drain will now remove water from the areas of your yard that flood and relocate the water to areas that could use it.