Home Garden

The Best Way to Light a Fountain

Nothing is more soothing than hearing and watching a water fountain in the back yard. Much of a fountain's appeal is visual, and adding lights to a fountain extends its visual aspect beyond the daylight hours. Installing lights onto a fountain can be tricky because you must consider the whole yard and garden when you add lighting. A poorly lighted yard may look flat or even spooky with improper lighting. Light attracts and leads the eye, so try to create a smooth and graceful line or shape to guide the eye from element to element.

Things You'll Need

  • Flashlight
  • Fountain LED or halogen light fixtures with dark casings, or solar lighting
  • GFI plugs
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      Try out different effects with a high-powered flashlight before buying light fixtures. Don't immerse the flashlight, just use it to illuminate the water in the fountain. The objective of fountain lighting is to light the flowing water, not the fountain itself.

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      Use the "rule of three" to create an even light. Don't place the lights too close to the base of the fountain, because this will create a harsh angle. Set the lights back from the fountain so they can reach over the main tier or bowl of the fountain to showcase the water. If the fountain is low to the ground, elevate the light fixtures so they reflect down onto the pool of water.

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      Look for a light that can be placed inside the fountain under the water. The objective is to illuminate the water as it falls.

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      Practice restraint when lighting a fountain. Use colored lights sparingly, because they are distracting to the eye and don't illuminate well. If lights are placed correctly, they will play across the water flow for a classic and refined look.

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      Attach all lights to GFI plugs as a safety precaution.