Home Garden

The Best Way to Wash a Galvanized Wall With Grease on It

Galvanized steel is used as backsplashes, countertops and walls in home and commercial kitchens because it is easy to clean, corrosion-proof and strong. Steel panels are used instead of traditional tile to give the kitchen a unique and modern look, while still remaining functional. Cleaning galvanized steel is fairly easy, as long as the stains haven’t had a chance to set.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • 1-gallon bucket
  • Baking soda
  • Measuring cup and spoons
  • Soft-bristled scrub brush
  • Sponge
  • Soft towel
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      Combine a dime-sized amount of dish soap in the bucket with hot water.

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      Dip the soft-bristled scrub brush into the soapy water. Scrub the soap and water into the light grease stain until it vanishes.

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      Make a paste by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda and one cup of water in a small bucket to remove tough grease stains. Apply to the grease stain with a scrub brush. Rub until the grease dissolves.

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      Rinse the soap off of the galvanized wall with clean water and a sponge.

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      Dry with a soft towel.