Home Garden

The Best Way to Clean Water Damage

Water damage occurs as a result of flooding, burst or leaking pipes, clogged plumbing and even overflowing washing machines. Unless you have purchased flood protection from your insurance provider, it is likely that the cost of the damage incurred will have to be paid out of pocket. To salvage any items of personal or financial value and lower the cost of repair, cleanup efforts should begin immediately. While professional help may be required for extensive damage, there are steps you can take to begin drying out your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver set
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Plastic buckets
  • Mops
  • Several dry mop heads
  • Towels
  • Antibacterial spray
  • Strong laundry detergent
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      Assess the type of water damage. Determine whether the water is clean (from pipes, overflowing tubs/sinks or a natural source) or contaminated (from a sewer, overflown septic tank or source of biological/chemical waste). If the former, proceed to the next step. If the latter, contact a local hazardous materials center immediately. Damage resulting from contaminated water must be dealt with professionally at all stages.

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      Access your home's main circuit breaker and switch off all electrical power. This prevents any electrical appliance from being used during cleanup and is a necessary safety precaution.

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      Remove any wall-mounted electrical fixtures from the affected area using a screwdriver or adjustable wrench to allow wet wiring to air dry.

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      Empty out any standing water with plastic buckets. Enlisting the help of family or friends will hasten this process, especially if there is a large amount of water to remove.

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      Absorb remaining water with mops. Ring out the mop heads regularly and keep an extra store of dry heads nearby.

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      Wipe dry all affected furniture or personal items with clean towels. Place absorbent items such as couch cushions, pillows, area rugs, books and clothing outside to air-dry.

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      Clean affected surfaces and crevices with antibacterial spray to prevent the growth of mold and water-borne bacteria. Wash all affected fabric (such as clothing, bedsheets and cushion covers) using hot water and a powerful laundry detergent.