Home Garden

How to Get Mud Off of a White Couch

White furniture gives a room a crisp, clean look, but it also tends to show dirt and stains very easily. If you accidentally get mud on your white couch, you may be inclined to panic. The good news is that you can remove most mud stains from upholstery if you treat them with the correct cleaning techniques. These techniques are simple and involve ordinary, inexpensive household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Butter knife
  • Vacuum with brush attachment
  • Cloths
  • Liquid dish soap
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      Use a dull butter knife to gently scrape away the dried mud.

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      Vacuum the mud residue with a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner.

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      Moisten a clean cloth with water, and add a squirt of liquid dish soap. Use this cloth to dab the mud stain. Don't rub the area, but simply dab the cloth onto it.

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      Blot the stain dry with a clean, dry cloth.

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      Alternate between dabbing the stain with the damp cloth and blotting the area with the dry cloth until the mud residue is gone.