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How to Remove Cigarette Smell From a Leather Couch

If you or guests have been smoking in the house, you may notice that the smell has a tendency to linger long after the cigarette is gone. A concoction of metals, carcinogens and radioactive materials make up the residue that sticks around, clinging onto furniture and walls after the smoke has cleared. A leather couch with an unpleasant smoke smell can appear to present a rather frustrating problem, as leather is known to be a difficult material to clean. With a little care and caution, your leather couch can be smoke-free.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • White vinegar
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Dry towel
  • Leather conditioner
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      Remove loose dirt and dust particles from the couch by using the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.

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      Mix warm water and white vinegar together in equal parts.

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      Dip a clean soft cloth or sponge into the solution, and wring it out well.

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      Wipe down the couch thoroughly with the cloth, making sure to remove the cushions and wipe them down as well.

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      Wipe the couch down with a clean, dry towel to remove excess moisture.

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      Apply a leather conditioner to the couch as soon as it is completely dry to protect it. Read and follow the manufacturers' instructions carefully for use.