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Easy Solutions for Wallpaper Removal

Thoughts of ripping small pieces of wallpaper from a wall may send you screaming from the room, but wallpaper removal has improved over the years. Techniques for softening wallpaper glue paste provide an easy solution for removing old wallpaper, and using certain tools ensure a low risk of damage to the wall under the wallpaper.
  1. Score the Wallpaper

    • A small tool called a scorer fits in the palm of your hand and scores wallpaper, allowing a way for enzymes to seep behind the wallpaper and soften the glue. The scorer has small wheels that tear holes into the wallpaper as you glide it over the surface. Run the scorer back and forth and up and down over the entire wallpaper. The more tears you put in the wallpaper, the easier it will be for steam or chemical enzymes to enter behind the wallpaper to reach the glue.

    Chemical Enzymes

    • Apply a chemical enzyme mixed with water the wallpaper after scoring. The enzymes break down the wallpaper glue, softening the adhesive for easier removal. Spray or wipe the chemical onto the scored wallpaper, and allow it to soften the glue for one hour. Remove the wallpaper from the wall by peeling it away or using a plastic scraper. Open windows when using chemical enzymes to avoid breathing in toxic fumes.


    • Heating the wallpaper glue softens it without using chemicals. A rented steam machine produces steam through a metal plate placed onto the wall. After scoring the wallpaper, run the metal plate over the wall, which will allow the steam to seep through the tears to the glue. Peel the heated wallpaper from the wall using a putty knife. The glue hardens quickly once it has cooled, so work on one section of the wallpaper at a time. Use caution when handling the metal plate as the steam can burn skin.

    Plastic Scraper

    • A plastic scraper helps remove pieces of wallpaper and adhesive from the wall without damaging the drywall. Place the scraper flush with the wall and scrape gently. Wipe the plastic scraper with a damp cloth after two to three swipes to remove excess adhesive.