Home Garden

Vinegar & Water Ratio for Wallpaper Removal

The ratio of vinegar to water for removing wallpaper is 100 percent vinegar and 0 percent water. Use only undiluted, distilled, white vinegar on the wallpaper. Adding water to it will make the vinegar ineffective and the glue will not dissolve. Vinegar is more cost-effective and convenient than chemical solutions.
  1. Benefits

    • Vinegar is a natural acetic acid solution made from grain. Vinegar on old wallpaper will help to eliminate dust mites, mold and mildew on or under the wallpaper. The vinegar will dissolve the glue, making it easier to scrape off, and it is safe to use around pets and children.


    • Spray full-strength white distilled vinegar, from a spray bottle, directly on the surface of the wallpaper. Allow the vinegar to soak in for five minutes and try lifting the wallpaper off with a scraper. If the wallpaper does not move easily, carefully cut it into smaller sections. Spray the vinegar again, allowing it to run into the slits. Remove the wallpaper and scrape off remaining glue. Spray the wall again and wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth.


    • Diluted vinegar is safe to use for cleaning painted walls and cabinets. Do not use it, even in diluted form, for cleaning wallpaper when removal is not desired.