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How Do I Remove Wallpaper From Drywall (Sheetrock)?

When you remove wallpaper from drywall, you must be careful as to protect the drywall. One of the most efficient ways to remove wallpaper is with a special wallpaper remover spray and a scraping tool. Take care when using these tools as too much moisture could ruin the drywall and a scraper could damage the surface. When used correctly, you can remove wallpaper from any average-sized room in a single afternoon.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheet
  • Wallpaper remover spray
  • Water
  • Paint scraper
  • Fan
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      Lay plastic sheets on the floor around the bottoms of the wall. The plastic will catch the wallpaper and make it easier to clean up.

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      Grab a corner of the wallpaper to see if it will peel off without the need for wallpaper remover. Do not try to force it off as it may damage the drywall.

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      Spray wallpaper remover on the wallpaper if necessary. Start in a top corner and spray a 5-square-foot area. Follow the directions on your product for the best results. Let the remover soak into the wallpaper for the recommended amount of time listed on the package. Check it a minute or two early to reduce the moisture the drywall absorbs.

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      Scrape the saturated wallpaper off the drywall with a paint scraper. Avoid scratching the surface of the drywall.

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      Repeat the process until all of the wallpaper is removed. Try to spray as much wallpaper as you can scrape off in 15 minutes. After a few attempts, you should be able to time it correctly.

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      Place a fan in the room to promote air flow. The more air movement in the room, the quicker the walls will dry, reducing the risk of drywall damage.