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How Do I Remove Wallpaper Using Vinegar and Water?

Wallpaper is designed to stick to walls for years. This is considered a good thing if you want to keep the wallpaper in place, but it can be frustrating when you want to take it down. When removing wallpaper becomes a problem, standard household vinegar and water can be used to make the job easier. The combination of moisture and the acidity of vinegar is enough to break down the adhesive efficiency of the wallpaper.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Funnel
  • Water
  • Pot
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    • 1

      Fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar. You can use a funnel to help pour the vinegar into the bottle.

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      Fill a small pot with water. Put it on the stove at high heat for three minutes, or until bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the pan.

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      Pour the hot water into the spray bottle. The spray bottle should now have equal parts vinegar and water.

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      Spray the vinegar mixture on the wallpaper, and let it soak in for five minutes. The wallpaper should feel completely saturated.

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      Peel the wallpaper away from the wall, starting at the top and working your way down.