Home Garden

How to Repair Wallpaper That Is Lifting

When your wallpaper is exposed to liquid or just begins to get older, it may begin lifting at the corners. This unsightly problem can be easily repaired with a special adhesive available at your local hardware store. Smoothing down the corners where your wallpaper is lifting, as well as fixing the spots where the paper bubbles up from the wall, is a simple process that can greatly improve the overall appearance of your home decor.

Things You'll Need

  • Wallpaper glue or adhesive
  • Sponge
  • Paintbrush
  • Squeegee
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    • 1

      Dampen your sponge with water and pull back the peeling corner of wallpaper, taking care not to lift it further off the wall. Moisten the back of the wallpaper with the sponge.

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      Dip the paintbrush into the wallpaper glue and spread a thin coat onto the back of the wallpaper.

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      Press the wallpaper against the wall, starting at the point where the wallpaper is still attached to the wall and spreading out until you reach the edges. If the wallpaper bubbles up in an area, use a squeegee to spread it out.