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How to Repair Loose Wallpaper

Wallpaper can begin to loosen over time, when the glue underneath the paper dries out or when excessive heat causes the paper to bubble and bulge. Loose wallpaper repairs can usually be performed on the spot without removing large sections of the wall coverings. Your local home improvement store carries a variety of materials to help make loose wallpaper repairs easy and inexpensive.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand-held vacuum cleaner
  • Seam sealer or wallpaper paste
  • Paintbrushes
  • Sponge
  • Sharp knife
  • Glue syringe
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    • 1

      Remove dried glue and other debris that may be hiding behind the loose area of wallpaper. Pick off large pieces of dried glue with your fingers and discard. Crumbly or powdery glue may be removed with a hand-held vacuum.

    • 2

      Apply a fresh coating of seam sealer or wallpaper paste to the section of wallpaper that's become loose. Seam sealer is available in small buckets and in tube form; buying a small package may be more convenient than using a larger quantity of wallpaper paste, but use what you have. You'll want to have a variety of clean paintbrushes available in different sizes; choose a brush that fits the size of your wallpaper repair to avoid spreading excess product on the rest of the wall.

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      Dampen a sponge with water and use it to smooth the loosened wallpaper back onto the wall. Remove excess seam sealer. The glue will dry clear but may leave glossy stains on the outer surface of the wallpaper.

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      Release air bubbles, carefully, in an area of wallpaper that's loosened because excess air has become trapped between the paper and the wall. Use a sharp knife, the tip of a pair of scissors or even a straight pin depending on the size of the bubble, to pierce the center of the bubble.

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      Inject seam sealer into the hole of an air bubble with a glue syringe. Load the syringe with a small amount of sealer and inject more later as needed, rather than over-filling the hole.

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      Smooth down the glue-filled bubble with your fingers. Wipe away excess sealer with a damp sponge.