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How to Repair Peeling Wallpaper

Wallpaper is available in a wide variety of colors, materials and textures to fit in with almost any home decor. When installed properly, wallpaper is fairly durable and will last a long time. However, the edges or corners can begin to peel off of the the wall if they were not pressed down securely during the initial installation. In these cases, you can reattach the peeling areas of the paper to the wall with little effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Wallpaper glue
  • Paint brush
  • Wallpaper seam roller
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    • 1

      Hold a clean sponge under a stream of running water to wet it. Squeeze out as much water from the sponge as possible until it is damp but not dripping.

    • 2

      Pull back the section of wallpaper that has peeled away from the wall with one hand.

    • 3

      Wipe the underside of the lifted section of wallpaper with the damp sponge to moisten it.

    • 4

      Open a container of wallpaper glue and insert a paint brush into it. Use an artist's paint brush for small areas of wallpaper and a standard paint brush for larger repairs.

    • 5

      Apply a thin layer of wallpaper glue to the underside of the lifted section of wallpaper using the paint brush.

    • 6

      Push the wallpaper flat against the wall and press in on it with your fingers to secure it. Press first on the part of the paper that is still firmly attached to the wall and smooth it outward toward the section that you applied fresh glue to.

    • 7

      Place a wallpaper seam roller on top of the repaired area and roll it with firm pressure to remove any air bubbles and excess wallpaper glue.

    • 8

      Wipe the area with the damp sponge to remove any excess glue that came out during the rolling process.