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How to Hang Easy-Walls Wallpaper

Although wallpaper is a costly investment, it provides a beautiful finish to any room. With so many designs to choose from, you can decorate each room in a different manner. However, traditional wallpaper requires some expertise in mounting and dismounting. You need to know about adhesives and how to use them. However, with Easy-Walls wallpapers, decorating becomes much simpler. As the name suggests, it is easy to apply and remove.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex primer
  • Latex paint
  • Plumb line
  • Water
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      Prepare the wall by removing old wallpapers. Scrub the wall clean of any mold or mildew. Seal all cracks, crevices and nail holes using a vinyl sealant. Sand it down smooth.

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      Coat with a layer of acrylic or latex primer to protect walls from moisture seepage.

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      Dip the Easy-Walls wallpaper in water to activate the pre-adhesive on the back. Paste the first strip straight and perfectly vertical with the use of a plumb line or level.

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      Activate and paste remaining strips all over the wall. Let the wallpaper dry overnight.