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How to Waterproof a Brick House

Although most brick houses don't require a water sealant, sometimes it's required to prevent internal moisture damage. As bricks age, the pores enlarge and the mortar cracks, allowing rainwater in. By applying a water-repellent sealant, you seal the brick as well as any tiny cracks that have developed in the mortar. Applying the water repellent is similar to painting, but you must wait for a period when no rain is predicted.

Things You'll Need

  • Tarps
  • Painter's tape
  • Silane/siloxane sealant
  • Paint sprayer
  • Safety glasses
  • Dust mask
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    • 1

      Lay tarps under the base of the house wall to protect the underlying ground and any shrubs or vegetation. Apply painter's tape to any gutters or wood trim that are in direct contact with the brick.

    • 2

      Fill the tank of a paint spray gun with a water sealant containing silane/siloxane. Put on safety glasses and a dust mask before proceeding.

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      Aim the spray gun at the brick surface, positioning it approximately 12 inches away. Spray the sealant onto the brick in side-to-side motions, working your way from the bottom to the top in a 5-to-6-foot-wide area. If needed, use a ladder to access the upper portions of the brick.

    • 4

      Move onto the next section of wall and apply the sealant in the same manner. Repeat the process down the entire length of the wall.

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      Read the instructions on the sealant bottle to determine how long to wait in between coats, and allow the sealant to dry for that amount of time. Then apply a second coat of sealant to the brick house.