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How to Maintain a Rendered Brick House

Rendering is a centuries-old technique that is used to apply a top coat to brick and masonry exterior walls. A mixture of cement, lime and sand is applied over the original material to give it a uniform surface. Rendered brick must be specially cared for to maintain its appearance over the years. Traditional exterior house cleaning methods, such as power washing, should not be used with rendered brick to avoid harming the surface and exposing the brick beneath it.

Things You'll Need

  • Hose
  • Bucket
  • Bristle brush
  • Neutral salt-free brick cleaner
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      Spray the surface of the rendered brick with a garden hose. Do not use a jet attachment or a high-pressure nozzle. Hold your thumb over the end of the hose and spray the house. Work one small area at a time.

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      Scrub the rendered brick with a bristle brush. Most organic stains will be easy to remove with a brush. If necessary, fill a bucket with hot water to loosen the material. Do not over-scrub; a light touch is much better than using a lot of force, which will harm the rendered surface.

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      Use a neutral liquid detergent that is salt-free. If water and scrubbing do not remove the surface stains, look for a cleaner that does not contain salt. Salt not only creates a white film over the rendered brick, but it harms the bond of the material. Mix the detergent at a ratio of 1 part detergent to 20 parts water. Apply the mixture to the wall and scrub with the brush to remove the stain.

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      Inspect the wall for cracks and holes. If you find cracks that are more than 6 inches long or wide, call a masonry specialist. Mixing rendering is a difficult task that is not recommended for the average homeowner. The specialist can reapply the rendering and blend in the patched area properly.