Home Garden

How to Decorate a Wall Alcove With a Tall Vase

Stylish tall vases and shapely wall alcoves are attractive partners. Add elegance and style to a living room or hallway alcove with a tall vase. Use your alcove area to showcase colorful glass or exotic pottery with alluring details. Decorating your alcove with a tall vase smartly fills its open space.

Things You'll Need

  • Alcove
  • Tall vase
  • Alcove lighting fixture
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      Measure the depth and height of your alcove. Fill the alcove with a vase large enough to leave a gap of approximately 2 to 5 inches of space around the vase's perimeter. Secure a tall vase that resembles the proportion of your alcove's height and width. Matching a vase's design to the alcove's overall shape creates an appearance that the alcove was made to hold the vase's dimensions.

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      Use a vase that reinforces your existing decorating scheme. Bring your home's decorative motif into your decision-making process as you search for a suitable vase. Look for a tall vase that contains the colors of your furnishings, rugs and accessories. For example, if your home contains a modern red couch, feature a simple red vase in your alcove. Alternatively, place an exotic clay vase in an alcove area that sits near an earthy leather living room set.

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      Enhance the look of your vase and alcove area with a recessed light. Alcove areas are often dark and lifeless. Correct this trait with a discrete lighting fixture. A color-sensitive tungsten bulb adds attractive illumination to an alcove and makes a vase's colors stand out. Increase the visibility of your tall vase's texture and control the brightness within your alcove with a dimmer.