Home Garden

Repairing a Leaking Brick Wall

Water is the biggest problem that owners of brick homes face. Brick may look waterproof and solid as a rock, but just like wood, it breathes, swells and contracts with moisture. During the winter, water can get behind the brick and freeze, then thaw in the spring. After many seasons of this, leaks can occur.


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      Look for any exterior causes of water. Dense landscaping against the house, like bushes, ivy and trees may be one source of this problem. Other sources include structures like a shed, garage or exterior water heater cabinet that have been set too close to the house. These structures should be removed if possible.

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      Check for crumbling mortar or cracking brick. This could easily cause water damage. If your mortar is crumbling, it may need to be repointed. Repointing is the process of digging out old mortar and replacing it with new mortar. This process is best done by professionals because the mortar should be tested and the original mortar formula should be used.

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      Remove any paint on the brick. Painted brick cannot breathe, which means that water cannot get in or out. Remove paint from the brick with specially formulated chemical solutions. This part is also best done by a professional because the incorrect formula -- or the incorrect application of the formula -- can do lasting damage to your brick. Do not try to remove paint with a sand blaster or power washer because this will also damage the brick.

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      Apply a water repellant to the area if no repairable damage can be found. Do not use a water sealer, which will only serve to trap in water just like paint. Water repellant will keep water out while still allowing water vapor to pass from the interior of the house to the exterior of the house. This solution may not be 100 percent effective, because water repellant only lasts for 3 to 10 years and it doesn't keep out all water.