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DIY Basement Wall Brick Design

Some basements look like natural extensions of the house, while others stand out. Still others retain a sense of historical charm with a singular brick wall. While homeowners may be at a loss for ideas about how to properly display the wall, designing an existing brick wall is a simpler project than most realize. Considerations include design preferences, budget, brick layout and space functionality.


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      Consider your budget and design preferences. If the sky is the limit when it comes to budget, purchasing a few statement pieces to dress up the wall has a priceless impact. Statement pieces may include elaborate mirror or photo frames, an extravagant faux fireplace or a massive art piece that spans nearly the full length of the wall. On the other hand, if the budget is tight, a few layers of paint may be just the thing to transform a bland brick wall into a work of art.

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      Establish a focal point. Depending on the location of the brick wall in the basement, the wall may or may not serve as an effective focal point. If guests need to search the room for the wall, it's most likely not a focal point. Upon entering the basement, if the brick wall is one of the first points of eye contact, it makes sense to doll up that space. In this case, the brick wall should stand out in a way that no other walls in the room do. Using pieces of furniture or accessory items such as a long, rectangular rug lead the eyes to the brick wall.

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      Search for a pattern. If the brickwork houses a particular pattern, such as an arch in the center of the wall, you may use that as a marking point for furniture placement. If the basement, for instance, is to be converted into a guest suite, the arch may serve as a headboard for the bed. To make the arch stand out, transform it into a mosaic by gluing broken glass, mirror or tile directly onto the arch.

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      Design according to space functionality. No matter the design you choose, it should always be compatible with the functionality of the basement. If the basement is to serve as a play room for the kids, you want to choose inexpensive design pieces that can withstand the everyday rough and tumble environment of kid's play.