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Crafts Made Out of Clay Flowers

A craft in clay can be as simple or as complicated as you like, depending on your skill level or that of your kids. Select different types of the medium instead of just traditional clay, which is a little heavy; some of the newer types weigh less, dry faster and allow you to add color.
  1. Vase and Flowers

    • Flatten clay using a rolling pin and cut out petals using cookies cutters or a plastic knife. Crafters with more experience in clay can form individual petals using their fingers. Gently roll the ends of the petals with the pointed end of a skewer to give them a more realistic look. Do not forget to add the appropriate centers to flowers. While the clay flowers still are wet, insert a length of wire into the bottom to help the flowers stand up in the vase. After the flowers dry, shape a vase. Poke the wire stems of the flowers into the wet vase and allow it to dry completely. Drying time depends on the type of clay. Once the project is dry, decorate it with paint, markers or glitter.

    Candle Holder

    • A rose is one flower that works well for making a tabletop candle holder for a tea light. Choose clay in a color you like or buy white clay and blend in coloring designed for that purpose. Make rather large rose petals as you want the candle holder to be at least 6 inches in diameter. Form the middle of the flower so it is open and large enough to accommodate a tea light. (It helps to have a tea light handy when making this craft so you can measure and adjust while the clay is wet.) Add the outer petals around the base of the middle of the flower and turn them up slightly to create a realistic-looking rose. Buy clay that is nonflammable and do not leave a burning tea light unattended.


    • Make jewelry with clay flowers. This project works well with lightweight clay that requires baking to make sure it holds its shape and does not crack. Mix in dye, kneading the clay to thoroughly mix in colors or partially mix colors to create a marbled effect. Make flowers by pinching off little bits of clay to create petals. To make a necklace or bracelet, thread jewelry wire through the wet flowers and allow them to dry. To make a pin or earrings, let the clay flowers dry first and hot glue backings onto them.