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How to Distress Metal Antique Chandeliers

Ceiling mounted furnishings with light-bearing arms, metal chandeliers can add a rustic look to a room. Make a dull looking chandelier the focal point of a dining room or living room by creating a faux finish using a distressing method. A distressed chandelier will have an antique and worn look. Distressing a metal chandelier is similar to distressing wood furniture. It only requires a few supplies found in a hardwood store.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloth or plastic tarp
  • 2 cloths
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Paste wax
  • Spray paint
  • Wire brush or sandpaper
  • Rubber mallet
  • Crackle glaze
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      Lay a drop cloth or plastic tarp on the floor in a well-ventilated area to catch any paint drips. Place the chandelier on top and remove lightbulbs and any decorative items such as crystals from the chandelier.

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      Dampen a cloth with warm water and a mild dishwashing soap. Thoroughly wipe the chandelier with the cloth to remove any dirt or dust. Use a second clean cloth to dry the chandelier.

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      Use a cloth to apply a layer of paste wax to the chandelier. If you know which areas you want to distress, only apply the paste wax to those areas.

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      Apply spray paint to the entire chandelier after the paste wax dries. Choose a neutral color such as white. Spray the paint evenly to avoid drips and apply more layers until you achieve the desired shade.

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      Allow the paint to dry before using a wire brush or medium or coarse grit sandpaper to scrape areas on the chandelier you want to distress. The paste wax helps remove the paint, revealing the metal underneath.

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      Make dents in the chandelier by striking it with a rubber mallet.

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      Create the appearance of peeling paint over the entire chandelier by applying a layer of crackle glaze over the base paint and then applying a topcoat. The base coat and topcoat should be contrasting colors.