Home Garden

How to Make a Stamp Not Smear on a Tile

A rubber stamp can turn a tile into a miniature work of art. Whether you want to dress up your bathroom and kitchen back splash, make matching coasters or make a personalized gift, a rubber stamp can do the job. Rubber stamping tiles is a budget-friendly, easily managed craft that even beginners can master. Glazed, glossy tiles can be a bit tricky for stamping, but using the right tools and techniques will ensure a successful project.

Things You'll Need

  • Tile
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton ball
  • Stamping ink pad
  • Rubber stamp
  • Permanent markers (optional)
  • Cardboard box
  • Glossy acrylic clear sealer
  • Hairspray (optional)
  • Hair dryer (optional)
  • Masking tape (optional)
  • Newspaper (optional)
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      Wipe your tile with rubbing alcohol using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry thoroughly before stamping.

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      Choose a stamping ink pad made for glossy or glassy surfaces. Press your rubber stamp into the ink. Alternately, color the rubber stamp raised design with permanent markers in the desired colors.

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      Position the stamp over the tile exactly where you want the design to go. Set the stamp on the tile and lightly put pressure on it, being careful not to let it wiggle or slide out of place.

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      Lift the rubber stamp straight up and look at the design. If it is smeared or you are not satisfied with it, immediately wipe the tile clean again with more alcohol so you can start over.

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      Place your stamped tile onto the center rack of your oven. Turn the oven on to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and let the tile bake for 30 minutes. Shut the oven and leave the tile inside until it cools.

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      Remove the tile and put it in a scrap cardboard box. Take it outdoors. Shake a can of glossy acrylic clear sealer for about two minutes. Hold the can about 8 inches above the tile. Spray it lightly in sweeping motions back and forth across the tile until it is lightly coated.

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      Cover the box and let the tile dry for at least 24 hours. The box will protect it from dust or hair that might get blown onto the tile. Spray another coat of sealer, let it dry for a day and finish with a final coat. After 24 hours, your tile is ready to take out of the box and enjoy.