Home Garden

How to Make a Tile Inlay

Some tiling projects in your home might involve a straightforward pattern that does not change from one area to the next. However, if you want the project to be extra special and add more to your home's decor, incorporate a tile inlay. The inlay consists of a decorative pattern placed inside the standard tile pattern. To add an inlay requires careful planning before you begin to cut the tiles for the floor's surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardboard
  • Tile spacers
  • Pencil
  • Tape measure
  • Rubber spatula
  • Tile mastic
  • Wet saw
  • Rubber scraper
  • Grout
  • Cloth
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    • 1

      Trace the area of your inlay onto a piece of cardboard. If possible, have enough room on the cardboard for at least one row of the standard tile pattern on each side.

    • 2

      Start at the center of the inlay and lay the tiles out on the cardboard piece to create a pattern you're happy with. Be creative and try to keep each side symmetrical for a more even appearance.

    • 3

      Put tile spacers between each tile. This represents the grout lines for the tile inlay.

    • 4

      Continue arranging the tiles until you have a pattern you like. Then, lay the rows of the standard pattern around it. Inspect your work. If you're still happy, move on.

    • 5

      Mark the center of the area where you plan to install the tile inlay, such as the center of a floor or backsplash.

    • 6

      Measure outward to the edge of the area from the center to determine how many rows of the standard tile pattern you will need to reach the wall.

    • 7

      Lay the tiles for the inlay starting with those in the very center. The line you marked on the center of the area can guide you. Spread tile mastic onto the tiles with a rubber spatula and then push each one into place. Make sure you follow the pattern you created for the inlay exactly. Put the tile spacers back in place to ensure accuracy.

    • 8

      Cut the tiles for the final row if necessary. Mark the line where the tiles need to cutting with a pencil. Make the cut with a wet saw and check to ensure tiles fit before applying the tile mastic and putting them in place.

    • 9

      Remove the tile spacers once the pattern is complete. Wait overnight before you install the grout.

    • 10

      Apply tile grout into the tile joints using a rubber scraper. Force the grout between all the tiles and scrape away the excess. Wipe the surface with a wet cloth to clean the tile. Buff the tile inlay dry. Once the grout is set, your tile inlay will be complete.