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How to Upholster a Booth in Vinyl

Because vinyl is a tough, durable fabric, it is used as upholstery for many pieces of high traffic furniture. Restaurants and diners often use vinyl to cover their seats because it is easy to clean and is not easily stained or damaged. Vinyl can be used also for outdoor furniture because it tends to stand up better to weather conditions than other fabrics. Restaurant and diner booths made of vinyl tend to stand up to wear and tear, saving the businesses money and sparing them the trouble of having to replace or repair their booths often.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Pen and paper
  • Vinyl fabric
  • Scissors
  • Blow dryer (optional)
  • Staple gun
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    • 1

      Measure the length and width of the area of the booth that needs to be covered. Record the measurements so that you do not forget or confuse them later.

    • 2

      Measure about six inches more vinyl cloth than your booth measurements came out to be so that you have extra cloth for stapling. Hold the vinyl cloth up to the booth, spreading it over the area that needs to be covered and measure again, making sure that the measurement of the vinyl that covers the booth is more than the first length and width measurements that you took. If this is not the case, measure the booth again, making sure to be as precise as possible before cutting.

    • 3

      Cut the vinyl so that it is the appropriate length and width. Cut as straight as possible to avoid cutting the material too short, as this will make it difficult to spread it evenly over the booth.

    • 4

      Lay the vinyl over the booth, tucking in the edges underneath so that they are not visible. Pull the vinyl tightly.and fold the edges over the corners of the booth. Lightly heat the edges with a blow dryer to make them more pliable if necessary.

    • 5

      Staple the vinyl in place with a staple gun and be careful to keep your fingers out of the way of the gun. Line the edges of the vinyl with staples to keep it from slipping off. Cut any of the remaining vinyl that sticks out past the rows of staples and discard it.