Home Garden

How to Grow Passionfruit

Passionfruit is a tropical fruit that usually has a yellow or purple exterior, and is filled with an intensely flavorful seeded pulp. The pulp can be eaten fresh or made into cookies or jams. As it is a tropical fruit, it is usually more expensive at the grocery store than fruits such as apples or oranges. Therefore, ambitious home gardeners may want to attempt to grow their own passionfruit at home, rather than pay through the nose for it at the store.

Things You'll Need

  • Passionfruit seedling, around 8 inches tall
  • Shovel
  • Fertilizer
  • Trellis or arbor
  • Compost
  • Mulch
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      Select the best passionfruit varietal for your particular climate. If you live in a tropical climate, you should plant purple flavicarpa or "Panama Red" varieties. If your climate if cooler, you can still grow passionfruit, but you must purchase a hybrid variety that has been bred to resist chillier weather. Look for hybrids such as "SuperSweet," "Lacey" or "Purple Gold." Both types can be purchased from plant nurseries in seedling form.

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      Choose a spot to grow your passionfruit. Tropical climates require a partial-sun growing area, while passionfruit in cooler climates should be placed in an area that gets full sun. Do, however, avoid planting passionfruit on sites that get too much wind.

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      Make sure you have the proper soil conditions. Passionfruit thrives in areas that get at least 35 inches of rainfall per year. The soil itself needs to be heavily fertilized, both with compost and fertilizer.

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      Dig the hole for planting the passionfruit. The hole should be three times as large as the pot your seedling came in.

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      Remove the plant from its original pot and tease the roots out of the soil before placing it in the hole.

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      Insert a trellis or circular wire frame around the passionfruit seedling so it has support as it grows. The vines can grow at a rate of 20 feet per year, so make sure the area where you have planted the passionfruit plant includes a tall fence or arbor for the plant to wrap itself around. Note that trees in your yard or garden may also be prime targets for the vines to wrap around, so plan accordingly.

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      Cover the soil with a generous layer of mulch to help it retain moisture and nutrients.