Home Garden

How to Grow an Apostle Plant

The apostle plant (Neomerica gracilis), also known as the apostle's iris or purple/white walking iris, is a flowering plant that is native to the region between southern Mexico and Brazil. Best when grown in USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11, the apostle plant is a versatile plant that can be used in containers, borders and beds. It produces complex white and purple flowers that live only for one day but will continue to produce new blooms throughout the late winter and early spring if grown in the proper conditions.


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      Plant in a place where the apostle plant will receive partial shade. Filtered sunlight in the morning is also suitable for the plant. Keep away from mid-day sunlight.

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      Plant in well-drained, sandy soil. Cover the roots and about 2 inches of the stem with soil. Leave about 18 inches between your apostle plant and other plants so there is room for the baby shoots to reach the ground. Keep the soil moist at all times.

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      Fertilize lightly with 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly in the spring and the summer. Follow the directions on the fertilizer packaging for proper amount.

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      Bring your apostle plants indoors before the first frost if you live in zone 8. They are not frost tolerant at all and will die if exposed. Cover outdoor plants with mulch before the winter to help keep them hardy for the next year's bloom.