Home Garden

How to Trim Knockout Roses at a Slant Facing the Bush

Knock Out shrub rose has clusters of single, cherry-red blooms that repeat throughout the season. It has become a popular selection because of its resistance to rose diseases. Pruning Knock Out is often a simple task of trimming the bush like any other hedge. There are times, however, when Knock Out, like any other shrub rose, will need to be trimmed with a slant facing the inside of the bush. Usually done in early spring, this specialized pruning directs new growth outward and upward, forming a full, round plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand-held pruners
  • Lopping shears
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      Cut out all canes that are dead or diseased. Cut back to living material or to the ground if the whole cane is dead. Also remove canes that cross or crowd each other and those that grow down or toward the center of the bush. Thick branches can be easily cut with lopping shears.

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      Cut all remaining canes to about 12 to 18 inches. The cut should be about 1/4 inch above an outward-facing node -- or leaf bud -- and should slant about 45 degrees so the cut is facing the center of the bush. You should ideally end up with about 12 evenly-spaced, outward-facing canes.

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      Rake up all plant debris and place diseased plant matter out for collection. You can place Knock Out leaves, stems and spent flower heads on the compost pile, but thicker canes with big thorns decompose slowly and are best put out for collection.