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How to Trim Grapes in the Spring

Trim grape canes and vines to force new vine growth, which helps increase fruit production in mature grape vines. Pruning is an important maintenance step that keeps the canes strong and healthy for increased longevity. Begin pruning in early spring when the vines are still dormant, and continue through late spring when the canes are sprouting new growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning clippers
  • Bleach
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      Prune the canes in early spring to remove clusters of growth off the main cane before new growth appears. Clip to remove all but one or two of the strongest vines to increase growth for improved fruit production.

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      Clip one-year-old grape canes to a height where three buds remain on the cane in mid- to late-spring. Use sharp, clean pruning clippers to cut the cane about 1 inch above the third bud.

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      Cut back lateral-growing canes in their second growing season so there is one bud remaining on the cane in mid- to late-spring. This forces the canes into a vertical direction.

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      Clip off shoots that appear at the base of the main cane with pruning clippers in late spring, or as they appear.

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      Remove all shoots that poke through the soil at the base of the main cane in late spring with clean pruning clippers. These shoots are growing off the roots of the plant and are pulling vital nutrients from the plant.