Home Garden

How to Trim Blackberries

Blackberry bushes need to be pruned so that they continue to produce fruit. Each stem on the bush will produce fruit only once in its lifetime. The canes of the blackberry bush often die after they produce fruit, which makes them prone to diseases. Pruning your blackberry bushes often will keep them healthy and productive.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Rubbing alcohol
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      Sterilize your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol before you begin and between each cut. This will prevent the spread of disease.

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      Prune the bushes in the early spring. Cut the top blackberry canes down to 2 feet or less. Cut the top 1-inch tips off shorter canes.

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      Prune the blackberry bushes again in the summer. Prune them after the bush stops producing fruit. Remove all canes that produced fruit for the year at the base of the bush to encourage the bush to grow new canes.

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      Remove diseased and dead canes from the base of the bush. Do this during the spring and summer to prevent diseases from spreading.