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Can You Grow Grass on Clay Dirt?

Clay dirt has thousands of tiny particles that stick together and hold onto moisture. It tends to be stickier and heavier than other soil types, such as loam, and can suffocate grass growth. With some amendments, the surface can become aerated enough to grow grass seed.
  1. Considerations

    • A soil test will show just how acidic your clay dirt is. When preparing the planting site, loosen up the soil 4 to 6 inches deep and add hydrated lime to make the clay more alkaline. According to West Virginia University, the exact amount of lime depends on the results of the soil test. In general, apply hydrated lime through a spreader; Iowa State University says not to apply more than 25 to 50 lbs per 1,000 square feet, depending on the lime material used.


    • Clay dirt is naturally wet and heavy, which can make it difficult for grass roots to grow and spread. Adding sand and compost will loosen up the soil, aerate it and improve drainage.


    • A lush green lawn can grow from clay dirt if you give the grass the necessary nutrients. Apply a starter seed fertilizer to balance the nutrients in the clay dirt and keep the seed moist (not wet) until it germinates. Don't water it too much because the clay will hold onto moisture more than other soil types.