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How to Decorate a Fence With Old Bottles

Whether for privacy or simply to corral the kids and pets, fences can sometimes make your yard look drab and confining. This is especially true if the fence is totally bare. Rather than seeing this as a problem, look at your bare fence as a canvas waiting to be decorated. You don't even have to purchase special decorations. Old bottles often have pleasing shapes that lend themselves well to becoming lovely, original decorations that stand up well to outdoor elements.

Things You'll Need

  • Lantern brackets
  • Electric hand drill
  • Steel screws
  • Wooden boards
  • Wooden trim 4 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick
  • Nail gun
  • Cord lights
  • Glass bottles: many shapes and colors
  • Bottle corks
  • Glass nuggets
  • Small silk flowers
  • Tiny shells
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      Screw one lantern bracket into each of your fence posts, 1 foot to 2 feet below the top edge of your fence, depending on its height. For very high privacy fences, screw the brackets in at eye level. These brackets are often decorative and available at hardware stores.

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      Place wooden boards across the brackets, creating shelves all around the interior of your fence. You can get boards precut to size at your local hardware store at no extra cost.

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      Nail wooden molding 4 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick to the front edge of the wooden boards with a nail gun. This creates a decorative lip that holds the bottles in place.

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      Screw the plastic cord light holders from your cord light kit (they almost always come in kits) into your fence about 4 inches above the wooden boards. Space the holders about 18 inches apart.

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      Press cord lights into the holders all around the interior of your fence. Cord lights are similar to twinkle lights, except the lights are encased in a tube of clear, flexible plastic. They're meant for outdoor use.

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      Fill as many old bottles as you can find with pretty and translucent items. Glass nuggets for flower vases, small silk flowers on vines, translucent shells or even strips of colored paper work well.

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      Cork each bottle tightly with a bottle cork. Set the bottles close together on the shelving around your fence. During the day, the decorations within provide pleasant scenery. At night, turn on the lights so the decorations glow.