Home Garden

How to Decorate an Umbrella With an Old Tablecloth

Breathe new life into an old vinyl tablecloth by using its sturdy fabric on your outdoor patio umbrella. Use vinyl -- not cloth -- tablecloth cutouts to make cute, creative embellishments for your umbrella that will endure rain showers and other problematic weather. Your end product will be a customized and brand-new item that is water-resistant and brightens up a dreary day. This is a project your children can help you with in preparation for sunny days on the deck.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinyl tablecloth
  • Cookie cutter or stencils
  • Permanent marker
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue stick
  • Hot glue gun
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    • 1

      Spread out your vinyl tablecloth on your workspace, with the vinyl part down and the fuzzy cotton fabric part facing you.

    • 2

      Place a cookie cutter or a stencil that's in the shape of a heart, butterfly, baseball or letter on the tablecloth. You can also use objects from around the house, such as a glass or small plate, as stencils.

    • 3

      Trace the shape onto the tablecloth with a permanent marker.

    • 4

      Cut out the shape with scissors.

    • 5

      Open your umbrella, and lock it so it stays open.

    • 6

      Squeeze hot glue on the fuzzy cotton side of the cutout. Blow on the glue for about three seconds so it cools down a little and does not melt the umbrella fabric. Press the cutout directly onto the umbrella. Repeat with more shapes, if desired.