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The Best Way to Use Rit Dye on an Area Rug

Rit dye is a fabric dye that you can use on a variety of items, including clothing, linens, slipcovers and area rugs. The dye comes in a liquid or powder form. The easiest way to dye an item the size of an area rug is to use the washing machine. The drum serves as a built-in dye bath and will even perform the first rinse for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • 2 cups hot water
  • Cold water
  • 1/2 cup laundry detergent
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      Turn on your washing machine to a hot water cycle. Wait until the drum fills with enough water to completely cover the area rug, then turn off the machine.

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      Fill a bowl with 2 cups of hot water and stir in three packets of Rit dye in your color choice, or 1 1/2 bottles of the liquid dye. Continue stirring until the mixture is incorporated or the powder dissolves. Pour it into the washing machine.

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      Wet your area rug completely in hot water. Put the wet rug into the washing machine. Set the machine for an extended cycle that lasts at least 30 minutes. If your washer does not have an extended cycle, turn the machine off just before the rinse cycle and reset it to another hot water cycle.

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      Run a cold water rinse cycle in the washing machine, then remove the rug. Lay the rug in the bathtub or sink and run cold water over it until the water runs clear. If you dyed the rug a dark shade, sprinkle 1/2 cup laundry detergent over the rug and run warm water over it as you gently scrub the rug with your hands. Then rinse it with cold water until the water is clear.

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      Lay the rug on a flat surface to air dry. When the front is dry, flip it over so the back can dry completely.