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How to Transplant Miscanthus

Miscanthus is a warm season ornamental grass that thrives in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. The grass is easy to propagate through division, which gives you the opportunity to spread the grass and create hedges, or control the size of individual clumps. The best time to transplant miscanthus is in the spring or fall, so the roots have time to become established before extreme hot or cold weather.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Shovel
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    • 1

      Cut the grass back to the ground level with pruning shears. Compost the foliage or cut it up and mix it into the topsoil to decompose.

    • 2

      Dig a 4-inch trench around the clump of grass that you want to transplant. Insert the shovel into the trench and under the plant, then lean on the handle to pry up the grass by the roots.

    • 3

      Move over 12 inches and repeat. Go all the way around the trench with the shovel until you have loosened the grass from the soil.

    • 4

      Dig a hole in a new planting site that gets full sun. The hole should be twice the width of the root system of the miscanthus, and just as deep. Lower the grass into the new hole.

    • 5

      Firm the soil around the base of the miscanthus with your hands or a shovel. Water until the soil settles.